Corrosion Handbook:

An English-language compendium of corrosion data based on the DECHEMA-Werkstoff-Tabelle (DWT). It describes the corrosion and chemical resistance of all technically important metallic, non-metallic inorganic and organic materials in contact with aggressive media. Ways of corrosion protection and prevention are also shown. The information is given in form of a comprehensive text, figures and tables. The series will comprise 13 hardcover volumes, each containing approx. 500 pages.

A CD-ROM version of the Corrosion Handbook is published by Elsevier.



Comprises one basis volume and 51 supplements. It is available in German only.

Now available on CD-ROM (in German only) !


Corrosion Costs and the Future

The following is an abstract from, “Now is the Time,” a paper presented by George F. Hays, PE, Director General, World Corrosion Organization.


At US $2.2 trillion, the annual cost of corrosion worldwide is over 3% of the world’s GDP. Yet, governments and industries pay little attention to corrosion except in high-risk areas like aircraft and pipelines. Now is the time for corrosion professionals to join together to educate industry, governments, and the public. Now is the time to work together to harmonize standards and practices around the world and to communicate and share corrosion mitigation technologies. Now is the time to make a major impact to protect the environment, preserve resources, and protect our fellow human beings.

Read the entire paper, “Now is the Time” (PDF 79 kb).


White Paper

The following is an abstract from, “Global Needs for Knowledge Dissemination, Research, and Development in Materials Deterioration and Corrosion Control,” a paper presented by Günter Schmitt, in cooperation with Michael Schütze, George F. Hays, Wayne Burns, En-Hou Han, Antoine Pourbaix, and Gretchen Jacobson.


Corrosion has been the subject of scientific study for more than 150 years. It is a naturally occurring phenomenon commonly defined as the deterioration of a material (usually a metal) or its properties because of a reaction with its environment. Like other natural hazards such as earthquakes or severe weather disturbances, corrosion can cause dangerous and expensive damage to everything from pipelines, bridges, and public buildings to vehicles, water and wastewater systems, and even home appliances. Unlike weather-related disasters, however, there are time-proven methods to prevent and control corrosion that can reduce or eliminate its impact on public safety, the economy, and the environment.

Read the entire paper, “Global Needs for Knowledge Dissemination, Research, and Development in Materials Deterioration and Corrosion Control” (PDF 1.98 mb).

Upcoming events

07.09.2025 - 11.09.2025 / Stavanger, Norway


World Corrosion Organization
P.O. Box 2544
New York, NY 10116-2544
Prof. Willi Meier