Bringing Corrosion Awareness to the Public


A primary objective of the World Corrosion Organization is to raise public awareness of corrosion phenomena and its cost.
The estimated cost of corrosion to all the world’s economies is $2.2 trillion USD ($2,200,000,000,000) annually. Application
of existing corrosion control technologies would save $660 billion USD ($660,000,000,000) worldwide.

Three of our member organizations, the Australasian Corrosion Association, the Kuwait Fondation for The Advancement of
Science and NACE International have produced videos and published lengthy reports to illustrate how corrosion affects our lives and what it costs our economies.



CorrConnect Video on Corrosion Comprehension:

“Combating the Pervasive Menace”

This video discusses what corrosion is all about: its initiation, components, forms, and ways of mitigation. It also discusses how dangerous corrosion is and why we should fight the battle against it.
View the video

CorrConnect Video on Corrosion Comprehension:

“Portraying Polymers”

The use of polymeric coatings is one way to shield and insulate surfaces of structures from their environment in order to mitigate corrosion. The history, properties, types and applications of polymers are discussed in this video, and their roles in combating corrosion, particularly on DoD weapon systems and infrastructure, are highlighted.
View the video


CorrConnect Video on Corrosion Comprehension:

“Specifically Ceramics”

Ceramics are complex materials with a variety of properties that can be engineered for a number of difficult applications. Different kinds of ceramics have corresponding applications
on preventing corrosion. Their characteristics, as well as strengths and weaknesses, are explored in this video.
View the video

CorrConnect Video on Corrosion Comprehension:

“Operating in Corrosive Environments”

This video talks about how an environment affects the rate of degradation of materials. It introduces the quantitative measure of the reaction of a material to its operating
environment, known as the ESI or the Environmental Severity Index. The ESI of DoD bases around the world are enumerated and explored.
View the video

NACE International’s Public Awareness
Video on Corrosion:

“Spotlight on Corrosion”

View the video (in English or Spanish)
Purchase the video
Crumble America1

History Channel Documentary:

“The Crumbling of America”


America's infrastructure is collapsing. This is a ninety minute special from the History Channel about America's collapsing infrastructure. Very informative and a must-see for everyone who wonders why we let our roads and bridges fall apart.

View the video
Purchase the video

Australasian Corrosion Association’s video:

“Turning Back Time — Winning the Fight Against Corrosion”

View the video here



Upcoming events

07.09.2025 - 11.09.2025 / Stavanger, Norway


World Corrosion Organization
P.O. Box 2544
New York, NY 10116-2544
Prof. Willi Meier