Damien Féron graduated in chemical engineering at the Institute of Chemical Engineering of Toulouse in 1976 and obtained his PhD in chemical engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (1979).
Damien Féron has been nominated Professor at the INSTN (National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology) in 2010. He is Director of Research at the Nuclear Energy Division of the French alternative energies and atomic energy commission (CEA) since 2007. He is also the Deputy Head of the “Service of Corrosion” (SCCME) since 2002 at CEA-Saclay. He has been previously head of the Laboratory of Aqueous Corrosion (LECA /1998-2002) at CEA-Saclay and of the Laboratory of Physico-Chemistry and Corrosion (LPCC / 1994-1998) at CEA-Fontenay-aux-Roses, and deputy head of the Laboratory of Corrosion Technological Testing (LETC / 1985-1994) at CEA-La Hague. Most recently, he was EFC President from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018 He is working in the field of corrosion since nearly 40 years, starting with liquid metal and moving towards aqueous media (including seawater corrosion and microbial corrosion) and more generally involved today in the various fields of nuclear corrosion (metals and alloys in aqueous and non-aqueous environments).
He is the author or the co-author of around 70 articles in international scientific and technical journals and of more than 100 papers presented during national and international conferences.