Corrosion Awareness Day 2020 

Webinar - Corrosion and Low Carbon Energies 

UPDATE - The presentation slides are now online. Click on the respective author below to view their slides! 

The COVID-19 crisis has an impact on nearly every aspect of life and we hope that you and your families are well. This year the World Corrosion Organization (WCO) has organized a Webinar dealing with Corrosion and Low Carbon Energies on Corrosion Awareness Day. The topic is of paramount interest at the moment because of the shift from fossil fuel-based energy production to low carbon energies. WCO has organized a panel of internationally renowned speakers on this topic.

Details: Friday, 24th April 2020, 14:00 – 16:00 CEST


Chair: Damien Féron (CEA, France)

  • Raul R. Rebak (GE, USA): Environmental Degradation of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rods in the Entire Fuel Cycle
  • Digby D. Macdonald (University of California at Berkeley, USA): Corrosion issues in Fusion Reactors
  • Gareth Hinds (NPL, UK): Cost reduction of water electrolysers via insights into anode current collector corrosion
  • Ralph Bässler (BAM, Germany): Corrosive CO2-stream components, challenging for materials to be used in CC(U)s applications
  • Polina Volovitch (ENSCP, France): Corrosion & solar panels

You can listen to the presentations which show the state of the art and discuss current developments with the experts.

COVID-19 update 

The novel coronavirus, or COVID-19 as it's been named by the medical community, has now infected over one million people worldwide. Events across the globe have been canceled or postponed because of the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Corrosion Awareness Day is fast approaching and we encourage you to innovate and modify your initiative to an online format.  Other ideas could be to write an article or disseminate some news about corrosion Issues.

Have a look to the attached flyers from YoungEFC and the NACE Islamabad Pakistan Section (here and here) for inspiration. An overview of global events can be seen in the following table.

Let´s keep the spirit of the Corrosion Awareness Day and #stayathome

We wish you all the best for a successful activity and do not forget to report your summary with a photo after the event.

For further information concerning COVID-19 please visit the WHO web site.

Upcoming events

07.09.2025 - 11.09.2025 / Stavanger, Norway


World Corrosion Organization
P.O. Box 2544
New York, NY 10116-2544
Prof. Willi Meier