Corrosion Awareness Day 2021

New corrosion publications for Corrosion Awareness Day

On the occasion of WCO's Corrosion Awareness Day 2021, the French publisher “Les Techniques de l’Ingénieur" has released free of charge five engineering articles (in French and English) on five major corrosion issues regarding nuclear corrosion, seawater corrosion, coatings, inhibitors and tribocorrosion. Please click here to download the five English and five French papers. This offer is valid for 6 months starting from Corrosion Awareness Day, April 24, 2021

WCO President's Message for Corrosion Awareness Day

Current WCO President Prof. Damien Féron has released a video message to all for Corrosion Awareness Day on 24th April. To view his message, please click here (4:47, 167MB).

Events Overview

The COVID-19 crisis has made the traditional way of partaking in events - travelling, setting up a booth, and talking with as many people as possible - almost impossible right now, but that doesn’t mean we have to give up on these opportunities. Virtual events, events taking place over Zoom or on the internet, are more important than ever and Corrosion Awareness Day (24th April) has also jumped on board and this year will be based on virtual events. A list of events is given below:


Upcoming events

07.09.2025 - 11.09.2025 / Stavanger, Norway


World Corrosion Organization
P.O. Box 2544
New York, NY 10116-2544
Prof. Willi Meier