Corrosion Awareness Day, 24th April

Corrosion Awareness Day highlights the estimated US$2.5 trillion annual cost of corrosion worldwide (3 to 4% of GDP of industrialized countries) reflecting in part many decision-makers in industry and government not fully understanding the consequences of corrosion and how critical it is to control it.

Events in 2023

April 19-21 Poland Conference PRAKTIKOR STAL-BETON (PRAKTIKOR STEEL-CONCRETE) Polish Corrosion Society
April 24 Sweden Webinar Corrosion Awareness Day 2023 Swerim
April 24 Netherlands Webinar Corrosion and the materials challenges related to the energy transition: hydrogen vs. natural gas Bond voor Materialenkennis / Koninklijke NLR
April 24 Switzerland Symposium Swiss Corrosion Science Day 2023 Swiss Corrosion Network
April 24 Spain Photo Competition FOTOCORR SOCIEMAT
April 24 UK Photo Competition Corrosion Awareness Day Photo Competition  University of Manchester
April 24 Pakistan Photo Competition Corrosion Photographic Competition AMPP Pakistan Chapter / University of the Punjab
April 24-25 China Symposium Corrosion Awareness Day 2023 Institute of Metals Research
April 25 France Webinar Stress corrosion cracking of austenitic alloys: From the Coriou effect to the stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel EFC WP4
April 27 Portugal   Towards the Sustainability of Materials that Will Support the Blue Economy proMetheus
May 2 Qatar Webinar The importance of corrosion in the energy transition Qatar University
May 3 Pakistan Technical Session Technical Awareness Sesssion University of Punjab, Lahore
May 3-5 India Symposium Corposium 2023 Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology
May 4 US Open House Tour Open House: Corrosion and Coatings Dakota State University
May 10 Turkey Webinar Advanced Materials for Corrosion Engineering Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University
May 10 UK Webinar Beyond Visual Inspection: The Power of Electrochemical Corrosion Testing Metrohm Autolab
March 20 Pakistan Symposium Chemistry behind Corrosion AMPP Pakistan Chapter / University of the Punjab


Events Overview


Upcoming events

07.09.2025 - 11.09.2025 / Stavanger, Norway


World Corrosion Organization
P.O. Box 2544
New York, NY 10116-2544
Prof. Willi Meier